Wednesday, October 28, 2009

exam k projek..hmm

exam stat minggu depan.. tp langsung lom wat persediaan.mcm lom ade mood nk exam..pikir final projek yg ntah pape jek.. buku log biotek lg lom siap. asik kne repeat je sume, frustrating..

i think..i need someone that can push me up, rite nw.. arghh.. my laptop always makes me lalalalala~.. first exam, food and industrial mikrobes.. then, techniques in biotek.. after that, psiko kaunseling.. lastly, pathogen..subjek yg paling ssh.. xtaw nape la amik kos ssh mcm nih.. tp kdg2 mcm besh.. le proceed jd doktor sakit jiwa mcm yana kut..hahaha.. tp baik amik seni xpyh pikir nk examkn..wakaka~

nak luah kan kt org len, mcm membeban kan plak pale diorg.. t ade plak yg ckp.. 'kmu mengadu tp mcm nk lepaskan kemarahan kt sy plk.." so..watever in my head..terpaksa la pendam sendiri..

rasa skg mcm mau g gym selalu jer.. le lupakan sume mase exercise.. duk bilik rasa lonely yg amat.. kalo x, kne bace jurnal mata pun too tired.. td masa wat keje kt lab, my lab partner chinese suddenly,asked me.. "asiah, u xrindu bf u k?.. i just come back yesterday from kl coz i miss my bf too much.. why aa u like xlonely without ur bf.. bla..bla..bla.." but, i cant tell her anything y becoz im too tired.. just senyum n gelak2 jelah..

thats mebi enough for today.. gudluck guys for your exam~~~~~


Nashki said...

kesian kat u.. msti dah lama tak jumpa bf u.. tak rasa lonely ke? boleh percaya ke bf u tu?

Neko D. 13 said...
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Neko D. 13 said...

cheer up! good luck utk exam kamu \^0^/

pegi gym tu~ ;P

Nashki said...

Good luck litle princess.